1918 Colony Park Rd

Augusta, Ga 30909     


Copyright 2019. Graced Animal Services & Kennel. All rights reserved.

Kennel Options

Departure bath $10 

( doesn't include ear cleaning)

Special Handling fee is charged for any pet that requires a special kennel due to behavior or upon owner request. These include in heat female, fence climber, aggression, destructive of GK property, etc

$5-$10 day

Nail Trim $15

* We have the right to refuse nail trim or charge extra fee foe hard to handle pets

  Canine Sleep Overs

Kong Filled Treat $3 per night

Additional Charges

Pet Safe Ice cream $3 ea

Bedtime story $3 per night

Come see why dogs are giving us two paws up

​Pet Approved!

We love bringing a smile to their face

Here at Graced Kennel we take pride in our sanitary conditions. We strive to provide an atmosphere where the pet feels just as comfortable as at home. Your furry loved one will have its own area complete with a bed, toys, and fleece/cotton blankets, food, treats, bowls & lots of love. We also have smaller areas for those who need to adjust a little slower. The kennel is climate controlled, and we also provide soothing music 24 hours a day. The manager, Cherish Danforth, lives on the property and checks on all pets nightly. All pets are tucked in and given a kiss at bedtime.
Medication can be given at no extra charge. All medications must be in correctly labeled containers.
We provide food at no extra chargebut please be advised that some pets may get upset tummies when you suddenly change their diet.
Report cards
are done on each individual pet three times a day to monitor behavior, feedings and eliminations. You may call to check on or speak to your pet as many times as you would like for free. You can also add a picture to be sent to you for $3 each day. Please see staff for details.
We discourage against bringing beds, blankets, toys, or anything of value with your pet during their stay. If you would like to have something with your scent from home for your pet, we do encourage an old t-shirt for them to cuddle with. However, if you choose to bring your pet's belongings then please make sure all articles are labeled with your pet's name. Graced Kennel is not responsible for lost or damaged items. If food is brought, please make sure it is in a sealed container, or Ziplock bags if not one will be provided along with a $5 fee.
All play time sessions take place in our new outdoor play yards. The yards are fully fenced and 100% supervised during play time.  Dogs are not mixed with others here, they spend their play times with us individually to ensure that every pet is inspected and loved daily. Play session times depend on needs of each pet as well as the weather playing a factor. Pets are exercised a minimum of 3 times plus their play time.We have large new play areas that include kiddie pools, lounge areas, sand boxes, water falls and play equipment. 

  • Report Cards done 2x a day to monitor your pets Intake & Elimination
  • No charge for playtime , love, or to administer medications
  • Manager lives on premises
  • Trained Professional Staff

Sleep Overs Include

  • Daily treats
  • Blanket
  •  Pet Bed
  • Toys at playtime
  • Lots of kisses and love